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  • 空气净化工程装修如何达成标准?

    来源://steinfamilywines.com/ 发布时间:2022-10-03
    When building a dust-free workshop project, people not only need to consider the requirements of workshop production, but also consider fire safety issues. Due to the fact that dust-free workshops are usually in a closed state, in the event of a fire, smoke and heat are not easily dispersed, which is not conducive to personnel escape. Therefore, it is necessary to take sufficient fire safety measures when constructing dust-free workshop projects. Based on past decoration experience, we have summarized five fire prevention issues for your reference.
    One is to pay attention to the fire resistance of the materials when selecting decoration materials for the dust-free workshop project, and try to avoid using polymer synthetic materials as much as possible, because polymer synthetic materials produce a large amount of smoke during combustion, which is not conducive to human escape. The second is to design electrical circuits reasonably to ensure the safety of electricity usage for each equipment. For dust-free workshops with a large number of electrical appliances, raised floors can be used to lay electrical circuits below the floor to avoid direct contact between people and wires. The third is to design fire prevention facilities and equipment reasonably. When designing engineering drawings for a dust-free workshop, alarm equipment, fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, and fire dampers should be reasonably installed based on the workshop area and production situation. Four, electrical overload protection devices should be installed to avoid fire accidents caused by damp or overloaded operation of facilities and equipment in the workshop.
    After the construction of the dust-free workshop project is completed, the decoration company, factory, and third-party testing company will inspect the project and pay attention to fire prevention issues during the inspection. The specific inspection content includes whether the design of various fire protection equipment is reasonable, whether the installation is correct, and whether the use is smooth. In order to further check whether the dust-free workshop project meets the fire safety requirements, people can detect the normal operation of various fire equipment by simulating smoke.
    This article is provided by the Sterile Room Purification Engineering for you. Our website is: //steinfamilywines.com We will provide you with wholehearted enthusiasm and welcome your visit!
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